Michael Cragg 

Pure Bathing Culture: Moon Tides – review

The appeal of Pure Bathing Culture's hypnotic, moreish dream pop grows with every listen, writes Michael Cragg

Pure Bathing Culture
Dreamy ... Pure Bathing Culture Photograph: PR

Pure Bathing Culture, aka Portland-based Daniel Hindman and Sarah Versprille, make music for the last days of summer. Recalling the gauzy, sun-dappled haze of Beach House and the dreamier side of Fleetwood Mac, these are nine pillowy songs to bury yourself in. As with anything that falls under the "dream pop" banner, however, there's the danger that Moon Tides will wash over you on first listen – it's all wheezing drum machines, crystalline acoustic guitar figures and Versprille's textured, often indefinable vocals. Luckily, the album yearns for repeat listens, the opening salvo of Pendulum and the indescribably lovely Dream the Dare unveiling their charms slowly but purposefully, while the album's average BPM is raised by the relatively brisk Seven 2 One. It's testament to the strength of the songs that even when your attention starts to drift, your mind still stays within the psychedelic-tinged world the album inhabits.


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