In the freelance world of British jazz, a band that manages to stay in existence long enough to record its second album is something of a rarity. But these seven musicians virtually grew up together, musically at any rate, having met at college and in late-night jam sessions at Ronnie Scott’s. What keeps them together is the music of their leader: trombonist and composer Tom Green.
With trumpet, trombone, two saxophones, piano, bass and drums, the resources are limited, but in the hands of an imaginative and ingenious composer such as Green, the possibilities seem endless. There’s so much going on that it’s best not to try following who’s doing what. Just take in the changing sound colours and melodic patterns.
It’s easy to forget that this seamless flow comes from seven individuals working as a minutely exact ensemble. There are improvised solos too, of course, and moments when you can’t tell whether what you’re hearing is improvised or part of the score. That’s when you can be sure that, although they’re all quite young still, this is a band with a history behind it – and, we hope, more to come.